Saturday, February 13, 2010

Top 10 Things That I Don't Give A F*ck About...

1) The Winter Olympics: Does this make me Un-American? I don't know and I don't care. Everyone knows that you only watch the summer Olympics. And if you do watch the winter Olympics, it's for the skating. Eh! Maybe that's just me... and you know, the whole gay thing.

2) Valentine's Day Date: I have the shittiest Valentine's Days since I was 19. I expect this year to be the same. With that being said, I will most likely lock myself up at home, watch "Brothers & Sisters" and have several bottles of wine. F*ck you, Cupid!

3) Your Baby Pictures: I'm sure this seems a little insensitive, but I don't care to see pictures of your "cutesy" baby. It seems everywhere I go, someone is popping out another kid. This stresses me out because of all the crying and the cuteness. Ugh. Babies are so needy too, "I'm hungry! Change my diaper! Waaaaah!!" If I ever have a kid, I promise never to be one of those "do you wanna see my baby's pictures" kinda guys.

4) We Are The World 25 Year Anniversary: They totally remade the song using music's most annoying voices: Justin Bieber, Pink, Akon, Fergie, Jamie Foxx, Barbara Streisand, Wycleaf Jean and many more... If you haven't seen the video for it, lucky you!

5) Avatar: I don't care about the movie at all, so please QUIT trying to make me see it. If I wanted to watch something animated and blue, I'd watch The Smurfs. Way more entertaining anyways.

6) Pink's performance At The Grammy's: a) I hate Pink and that annoying voice. b) Does she even wear pink anymore? I don't get it one bit. c) I understand that she did some Cirque de Soleil bull shit, but who really cares to see that performance AGAIN. I'm convinced she did that same routine at the MTV Music Awards.... and in her bedroom. *yawn*

7) Tiger Woods & His Cheating: So what! People cheat. Get over it. If he wants to go and blow his load with every which woman, then let him. How does his cheating concern you?

8) Avatar: Really. Quit trying to make me watch it. I refuse.

9) American Idol: I don't believe I've watched the show since Fantasia was on it. Nor do I care to. Ever since they started to put annoying people on the show for ratings (see: William Hung), people who know damn well they can't sing, but it's "funny" to watch.... Ugh, annoying! I'd rather not waste my time.

10) Adam Lambert: The hair. The makeup. That voice. You give gay men a bad name!

(This would be the most recent picture of me. Cute, huh? Me... in black. Weird!)

Anyways, a couple of things I am excited about: The movie "Chloe" starring Amanda Seyfried, The Oscars, Sade's new CD "Soldier of Love", the end of Valentine's Day, my trip back to North Dakota to see my family, spring!

And here's a song that I've been playing on repeat since December. I can't get enough of it. Enjoy!